July 2010

Bon Appetit @ Vivaldi

“What did I miss while I was away?” “Yasser was talking about his cats.” “Really? He has cats?” “Yeah, I have six,” a deep yet cheery voice interrupted our chat.…

I See You

Near or far, you catch me breathless, From a distance, you’re so blue and oh, so endless, As I sit next to you, I’m cuddled with peace, Yet your waves…

The Irresistible Dip

“Wow, Ever (Gotesco Mall)!” a four-year old girl gushed as her eyes sparkled widely (wildly). They were about to board Princess Paradise, a ship mistaken for a shopping mall by…

Neither Glam nor Gold

Early in life, Lisa has realized that if a person can’t be gorgeous, she should at least strive to be smart. She rationalizes, “what’s the point of being skinny and…