Has it been a year since my handsome web designer posted this?

“The website will be filled with thoughts, ponders, rants and scribbles of Issa. (I’m sure of it.) You might also run into some pictures of her tutees, workmates and adventures. Poems and stories and more.”

How pushy, I thought (haha). It turned out, IAMISSA served a haven to my motley thoughts  and my life’s latest happenings. If you’ve been blogging for weeks, months or years, you’ll perhaps agree that letting out your thoughts and chronicling your adventures through writing is a fun hobby (even hobbits, Bilbo & Frodo, would agree).

I’ve a fair mix of feelings about this day: thankful, thrilled, and terrified (a bit). I won’t tell you why..well..uhm.. unless, you ask me.

It’s a day to look into the future (imagine me with a magic crystal ball.hehe). As I always say since I met Neil, we don’t live life looking backwards. So possibly, in the next few days, you’ll see more posts than what you’ve seen so far. Oh..how lame. Well, different from the old, of course. This time,  I hope to write more posts readers would want to read, (and comment on).

This favor I’ll ask is easier: greet iamissa.com happy birthday when you pass by. 🙂

By Issa

5 thoughts on “An Anniversary Post”
  1. happee beeday, IAMISSA!

    and I wanna ask why you feel altogether thankful, thrilled, and terrified (a bit). ^^,

  2. Thank you, Capsule, Rod, Rhik, and Kate.. Gifts are welcome,too!hehehe…

    Kate..come close..I’ll whisper my answer.:)

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