Eight earsplitting knocks and the book master unlocked,
Opening the doors at us, she came out quite shocked,
“Why you kids walkin’along the damp streets this dark?”
Brimming with smiles, eyes oozing with hope, we then spoke,

“Let us see, oh please, those castles, those chocolate houses!
Can’t wait to meet those geenies that grant three,maybe more wishes!
Surely we’d face some nasty dragons on our way out the dungeons,
‘Swear not a leaf will loose, now we beg you, lend us those books!

Awestruck for a sec, she studied us with a stare so chill,
Our gaze glued on her, we stood still, with steadfast will,
In a blink, she turned and returned giving the gems at last!
Our hearts, hence, our tongues uttered thanks in full blast!

That’s how we used to receive generous treats from our neighbor. Her house was quite far, yet she was nearly dear because she denied us none of her fascinating collections. We were just contented then to listen as mom narrated the awesome characters and tales on those pages, we even dreamed of them in our sweet sleep.

That’s why I appreciate free good stuff available online, enabling teachers, parents, or any teenagers to share the boon and bliss of storytelling. Let the kids pick stories from this motley collection of free books.

Children's Books Forever

By Issa

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