Carissa Bongalosa’s Portfolio

For some, boredom is a dead end. For me, it was a turning point. In March of 2013, the monotony of my Dubai office job felt like a never-ending loop. Three years flew by in a blur of schedules, emails, and meetings, even with my amazing global team. Yet, a deeper yearning brewed within me.

Two years into my thirtieth birthday, the stark reality of a life unlived gnawed at me. I craved something that sparked my creativity, one that rekindled the embers of my lifelong passion for writing. Instead of the well-trodden expat path, I took a daring leap. I traded the bustling streets of Metro Manila for a fresh start in Cebu in 2013.

Here, my new adventure as a writer and marketer began.

This shift wasn’t just about a new location; it was about training my writing muscles and embracing a new skillset.

My foray into writing began with crafting website content and product descriptions for various online platforms. This experience honed my SEO skills and ability to target specific audiences with clear and persuasive messaging.

While content creation was a great starting point, it wasn’t enough to fully satisfy my creative itch. My passion for travel and personal development fueled the launch of my travel blog, “Island Trotters.” Here, I collaborated with other travel writers, honing our storytelling abilities and exploring niche topics within the travel sphere. This platform allowed me to establish myself as a knowledgeable voice in this area.

Here are a few hotel brands I worked with:

From Travel Narratives to Targeted Ads: My Content Creation Journey

One of my most unforgettable experiences was contributing to a travel magazine, Northbound Magazine. Immersing myself in the vibrant culture of La Union, I learned the art of weaving research and storytelling to create captivating travel narratives. I met editors, writers, and great friends like Gretchen Filart and Celine Murillo here.

This experience ignited a passion for content creation that I craved to explore further. Leveraging my newfound storytelling skills, I dove into Facebook advertising and social media marketing for authors. My love for books collided with my marketing skills when I assisted authors in promoting their work. I crafted targeted Facebook Ads and managed social media campaigns to connect them with their ideal readers.

Expanding My Skillset:

  • Facebook Advertising & Social Media Marketing for Authors: My love for books collided with my marketing skills when I assisted authors in promoting their work. I crafted targeted Facebook Ads and managed social media campaigns to connect them with their ideal readers.
  • Ghostwriting & English Tutoring: Ghostwriting projects for clients across diverse industries allowed me to adapt my writing style to various needs. This experience, combined with my English tutoring background, solidified my understanding of different writing styles and effective communication.
  • IT Office Management & Recruitment: My experience managing and recruiting for an IT office may seem like a detour. However, it refined my project management and client communication skills – foundational for any successful writer-marketer.

Magazine Writing & Beyond:

Beyond crafting blog posts and travel articles, I’ve thrived in magazine writing. This adaptability demonstrates my ability to excel in various writing formats and cater to diverse audiences.

My journey as a writer-marketer is a testament to my unwavering passion for words and the power of storytelling. I am a chameleon, comfortable wielding my pen across content creation, marketing strategies, and various writing styles.

Are you looking for a versatile writer-marketer to elevate your brand or project? Let’s connect!

16 thoughts on “Carissa Bongalosa’s Portfolio”
  1. Issa. I want to hear more. Is English your second language? I can’t tell if it’s your artistry or the slight marring of platitudes that we Americans so often use, but I find your writing very good. Your mind does not seem to fight with your voice. Very nice work.

  2. Corey, some of my posts reveal my mother tongue – Tagalog. Thanks for the encouraging comments. I’ll study more to demystify the English language. 🙂

  3. Was looking for an A shape roof design on google it took me here – nice picture. will look up it on facebook.

  4. Hi there! I’m glad I stumbled across your blog, Ate Issa. =) It’s simple but there’s something about it that really catches my eye. Columnist ka ba? Kasi based sa mga ibang articles mo and the way you wrote them, “columnist” ang nasa isip ko =D

  5. Hi,

    You may be a late bloomer as you’ve mentioned but I would like to presume that it was written back in 2007. But obviously your blog was made with contrive ways that continues to amuse fellow bloggers / readers like me. That being said, late bloomer is no longer felicitous, you are a professional blogger/writer.


  6. Hi Issa,
    My mum has already got her birth registered in Portugal…and the person whose doing the job is gonna register my birth and send it to in Dubai as i currently work in Dubai ans as i am new to this i just need Ur kind advise how would i get through the Portuguese embassy and what are the procedures….? how much would i have to spend…? please help me…
    thank you.

  7. hay dear iss i red some of ur advise and suggestion iam new to these site n say u hellow n happy new year 2016 n lorrd Jesus Christ put all his blessing on u n ur family for helping so many people. Hay issa please let me know what document’s are required to get portuguse passport for abudhabi ambassey i have bi with me

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