We’re celebrating his promotion from Grade 6 to 7! Yipee! I didn’t go to work today. Blame the sharp, throbbing pain in my head (not from hangover) but from Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR). Somehow, it was Edgar Sawtelle’s fault. hehehe.. My ex-student, Kenneth, taught his mom how to use Friend Cameo at Facebook. When Ate Alma and I stopped talking, Kenneth asked me to play with him thru Friend Cameo. See the snapshots above? I edited them using pixlr Vintage (my new fave!). Have you ever tried the Friend Cameo? Get superpowers. Be playfully disfigured. Get a twin sistah. Be colorful. Be outrageously many. Try out the Friend Cameo app with your facebook friends (Click here)! In Taglish, it sounds like “Friend Kami oh” (Friend Cameo) meaning “Hey, look, we’re friends!”

By Issa

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