I am the worst mom by my own high standards.

Confetti, cookies, cake with two candles, presents, and cuddles from your warm guests and friends could have made your 2nd birthday indelibly incredible. But your mom failed to make it a special day to remember.

Cry not, iamissa. Your birthday crossed your mom’s and dad’s mind many times on May 15th. If you forgive them for not throwing a huge party on your 2nd birthday, you’ll get the chance to see a remarkable fable depicting your birth, a story no one else could ever tell you. Are you ready? Before you say “yes”,  say first that you hate us less for missing your birthday.

Dad found your mom as his perfect mate for creating you.
Your parents’ mantra: “Enjoy when you can; endure when you must.
Neil found “iamissa” as the best way to calm Issa’s restless nerves.
Daddy attended to your every need. Just look at your enviable template!
Iamissa, you ought to emerge as a strong kid. Happy 2nd birthday. Now, wipe off your tears.

Snapshot source: Planet Earth, Episode 6: Ice Worlds

By Issa

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