Skin Perfection Cebu

Want to get rid of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and pesky black and white heads without the redness and pricking? That’s what the Diamond Peel treatment is for. It helps exfoliate your facial skin to make it visibly lighter and even without leaving a lot of red spots.

You don’t like to hear comments like, “Nagpa-facial ka no?” (You had a facial treatment, right?) You want to look good effortlessly. Or at least, that’s what you want other people to think.

And if you’re like me, I assume you don’t want to splurge on a skin treatment that doesn’t have visible results. So where should a value-hunter go?

Luckily, Mel, a great work-friend, told me about Skin Perfection in The Space, A.S. Fortuna. If the name ‘Skin Perfection” doesn’t convince you to try it at least once, their ongoing January 2018 promo and guarantee of painless facial care would surely change your mind.

Before you read my quick review of their space and service, call them now to inquire about their available promotions. As far as I know, it ends on January 31st so hurry before the 70% discount on many of their services expires. Call 0917-3176921 (Globe) to reserve a slot. Keep reading for more info on how you can take advantage of this deal!

The Welcome

Warm smiles and permits to operate greet you as soon as you enter the salon and spa. Mel and I were received well when we went there for our 1pm appointment last Saturday. The place looked a bit small yet it was clean, stylish and comfortable.

Walk-in might be available but don’t leave your skin care to chance. I recommend that you book an appointment to get a warm and speedy service upon your visit.

Skin Perfection Body Contouring Salon and Spa AS Fortuna CebuThe Experience

To be honest, I didn’t read much about Diamond Peel (as I could be a bit over-imaginative). I only knew it would last for 45 minutes and no invasive tools would be used to poke or prick the surface of my facial skin. So when the procedure began, I felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

Yet as soon as my attending facial Specialist or esthetician began massaging my  forehead, temple, cheeks and chin,  I felt at ease. Her pampering hands brushed my worries away.

Closing my eyes and waiting for her next move, I heard her working on some equipment.  A kind of  cold suction metal touched my face. Then she began using it deftly to remove bad things that have camped on my face for ages. (I checked Lazada for this tool set and I found this but maybe don’t use it without asking for help from a Pro first?)

After the gentle vacuuming, I didn’t want to touch my face because I feared I might introduce a brand-new band of germs to it. Also, I was getting sleepier as the procedure went on. Then she dropped a mask on my face.

No iron mask, dear, don’t worry. It was a paper-like mask we used to play with when we were kids. What my attending specialist used was softer, though. And then she poured something cold, gel-like substance on top of the mask. Apparently, it’s called a collagen mask, which is like super food for our skin (if beauty blog sites are to be believed).

Note that your specialist will verbalize each act, prepping your heart for what’s next. A kind of spoiler but she meant good, not harm. After what felt like 10-15 minutes (I wasn’t sure because I was dozing off), she entered the treatment room again.

Turns out, she returned for the finishing touches: putting some sun block or sun screen on my face. Since my skin was just exfoliated, exposure to the sun will damage it. You’d be told to put sunscreen twice a day to block the harmful rays of the sun, especially around 9am to 4pm.

Would I recommend Skin Perfection in AS Fortuna to my friends?

When I went out of the room, I felt like I’m wearing my best “I woke up like this” look. Mel beamed when she saw my face, which I took as a compliment. She also looked relaxed after her facial contour + diamond peel (minus the collagen mask)treatment . Don’t you love it when busy women finally get to relax and have a me-time together? It’s so supportive and fun!

Of course, the best way to reward good service is to spread the word. I took to Instagram and Facebook to tell my friends about Skin Perfection’s awesome offer.

I also bought four more Diamond Peel treatment vouchers. Yes, you can buy them in advance and get this, they’re transferable!

The only caveat is that you need to accompany the person you’re transferring the voucher to. I didn’t mind, especially when it’s Neil. I was so glad I finally convinced another ‘low-maintenance’ fellow (like me) to spend a little for his skin care.

Skin Perfection Cebu Client

So, if you’re from Cebu City, tell your friends about this promo. I hope you get to try their Diamond Peel treatment before you have to pay three times as much for the same service.

If you’re wondering who the owner of this spa is, look up Stella Hotel. The same person owns Skin Perfection. Anyway, it’s 1:21 so I gotta go. No amount of facial treatment can cure a dreadful sleep-deprived face.

P.S. Tell me what the experience was like for you. And I hope you’re able to take advantage of this offer! 🙂




By Issa

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