What is the most expensive desalination plant in the world?

On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 3:31 AM, Issa wrote to Tamim Younos:

Dear Mr. Younos,

I read your article “The Economics of Desalination” to find out the most expensive desalination plant in the world. Do you know the answer? Is it the Shuaiba III in Saudi Arabia?

Appreciate your reply.

Thanks and Regards,


Eli Lilly (Suisse) S.A.

Dubai – UAE

Tel: +9714 4537800 (Ext. 888)

Email: oaress@yahoo.com

Re: What is the most expensive desalination plant in the world?Sunday, 13 March, 2011 9:08 PM

From: “Tamim Younos” <tyounos@gmail.com>

To: “Issa” <oaress@yahoo.com>

Dear Carissa,

I’m not familiar with the desalination plant that you refer to. But what do you mean by expensive? High constrcution cost?, High operating cost?, High cost of treated water ($/gallon)?,Is it operating with the most advanced technology?  The real concern should be is there economic loss to operator/producer of the water treatment plant and is the water cost is affordable to consumers? So what’s your reason for asking that question?


Tamim Younos


I didn’t reply to him. Can you imagine how many questions I got in return for my simple curiosity with desalination cost? Perhaps “The Most Expensive Desalination Plant” is not a good article. It’s a surprise though that a researcher finds time to answer my email. =)

By Issa

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