There’s a reason the Zoldyck Family arc is a fan favorite! This arc plunges Gon and Killua into a heart-stopping adventure filled with action, suspense, and a blossoming friendship.

Remember how Killua was held captive by his twisted family? Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika’s daring infiltration of the Zoldyck mansion was unforgettable. The place itself was a character – equal parts creepy with its booby traps and mysterious with its hidden passageways.

The rescue mission was a suspenseful rollercoaster filled with twists and turns. But against all odds, they finally freed Killua. Even more surprising, Killua’s usually cold father showed a flicker of sentimentality, allowing them to escape. (Baby steps, right?)

Now free, Killua and Gon embark on a new adventure – training with the excellent Wing to become Nen masters. But what exactly is Nen?

Nen: The Life Energy that Fuels Hunter x Hunter’s Battles

Nen is a life energy that flows through all living beings. It can be used for various purposes but requires training to control. A person who can use Nen is called a Nen user. The first step to using Nen is learning to control your aura nodes. These are points on the body where aura flows out. Once you can control your aura nodes, you can use Nen in many ways. The four basic Nen techniques are:

  • Ten: Focuses your aura around your body for defense.
  • Zetsu: Hides your aura to avoid detection.
  • Ren: Increases the amount of aura you’re using.
  • Hatsu: Releases your aura to create a special Nen ability.

Six categories of Nen also determine a person’s natural aptitude for different Nen techniques: Enhancement, Transmutation, Emission, Conjuration, Manipulation, and Specialization.

Learning Nen can be done in two ways:

  • Slow and Safe: Gradually open your aura nodes through meditation.
  • Fast and Risky: Have someone else force your aura nodes open with a burst of their own aura (called Initiation).

Back to the Zoldyck Family Arc and Beyond

Nen is a secret from the general public. Most people don’t know it exists, and Nen users try to keep it that way to avoid causing chaos. Even some high-ranking government officials and military personnel are unaware of Nen. The Hunter Association, however, requires its members to learn Nen control. Interestingly, Nen abilities are openly displayed in fighting tournaments like Heavens Arena.

As the story progresses, we see Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio develop unique Nen abilities based on their personalities and fighting styles. For example:

  • As an Enhancer, Gon’s Nen revolved around his attack power and self-healing, although he could also exploit some aspects of Transmutation and Emission.
  • Killua, a master assassin since a young age, utilizes Transmutation by altering his aura into electricity.
  • Kurapika’s Nen type is Conjuration, but under special circumstances, he becomes a Specialist and conjures unique chains from his fingers.

The Zoldyck Family Arc is a turning point in Hunter x Hunter, introducing the concept of Nen and showcasing its vast potential. This arc and the following ones will keep you on the edge of your seat as Gon and his friends explore the world of Hunters, face off against formidable opponents, and develop their Nen abilities to new heights!

By Issa

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