It’s officially a holiday here today! Yehey!

Since freedom without purpose is boring, I thought of listing some fun things I could do for the long weekend. Wanna have a peek?

1. Grab and wrap some ‘pasalubong’ for my family. I can imagine my sisters’ (and bro) smiles anticipating yummy chocolate bars! Nay and Tay will have their share, of course.

2. Get the juiciest extracts from the e-books I acquired. I’m currently working on vocabulary and accent portions of the site- but haven’t published any new articles yet. I should. I would.

3. Chase for the grass… not drugs.haha.. I’d probably take a walk at the park anytime from now.

4. Get hooked into Word hunting and keeping- I bet it’s a worthy habit to cultivate. Target: 500 new words (it’s good to start small:)) at the end of the month. Criterion: words must be very useful.

5. Dust off my classic books..haha.. I seriously want to start reading Dubliners (James Joyce) and The Winner Stands Alone (Paulo Cuehlo) again. Aim: improve my writing style.

6. Review Ken for his upcoming exams. I might need to think of new ways to demotivate him from playing ninja games with me..and be more focused on academics. hehehe..

7. De-plug online. No elaborations needed.

The list stops here. These low intensity activities suit me for now. What about you?

By Issa