On my birthday last 2009, my best guy friend (now my bf) and I played the game called “hidden desire”. The first thing that came to my mind was…

Be able to wear a dress. 

Sold for 50 dhs (578.305 Php), I grabbed this dress in a boutique I daily pass by but never cared to check.

When my cousin phoned me last Thursday asking If I wanted to see an Arabic wedding celebration, I instantly said, “Absolutely!”

Then it occurred to me, “Shocks, I don’t have anything to wear on such a fancy party.” My curiosity over the ceremony won against my pessimism/fear that no dress would ever fit perfectly.

Then I found this.

The first dress I’ve ever picked for myself. The first dress that felt just so right. The first dress to fulfill my hidden desire # 1.

I still think what’s inside us matters more than our appearance…yet there’s no harm trying to enhance (beautify) both.

By Issa