Tag along a member to shop at Landers Cebu

Thinking of shopping at Landers Cebu? You don’t need to sign up for a membership card if you know someone who is a member. That’s right, you can tag along a Landers member to test the waters before shelling out some cash for a card.

By the way, according to Landers’ website their card promotion will end by May 31, 2017.  Cebu Daily News, however, says the membership promo ends in June, 2017. The membership card costs P400 if you split the cost with someone else. So it’s P800 for a premium membership card and an extension card.

Before you take the Landers plunge, get a teaser of what it’s like shopping at Landers Cebu. I took some pictures around Landers during my first visit. I’m among its earliest converts when a member of their canvassing team offered temporary cards to my officemates sometime in February. (Thanks Mel for persuading me to sign up.)

So, ready?

Landers Cebu: A one-stop-shop for all homeowners

Mel is the workmate-friend who nudged me to get a card. Last Thursday, I forgot to bring my temporary card so I just tagged along with her to check out Landers’ offers. It was a fun day for this warehouse shopping newbie.

We were after the “Buy One, Take One” premium cake from Dough and Co. We bought two types of cake and then swapped so we could try the two different variants. I liked the ones on the picture below better than the strawberry-flavored cake.

50 percent off on cakes at Landers Cebu

Mel told me to look for items that are marked “50% off” or “Buy 1, Take 1” to take advantage of the card. The bedroom items are the biggest draws for me. We spotted pillows, bed sheets and comforter imported from the US. I told Mel I’d come back to get the bedsheets – they looked so comfy!

Then I received a tip from Mel on choosing pillows right (and it’s not just about the softness or fluffiness). The key ingredient of every reliably good pillow? Feathers.

I was stunned.

Most cheap pillows sold in the Philippines disintegrate over time. Heck, some don’t even last for six months. So my next goal after this shopping trip was to replace my Landers temporary membership card with the real one and bag these bargains.

Pillows for sale at Landers Cebu

I’m sold.

Most hotel beds use the same types of pillows. I guess I was just oblivious to these things and I just get easily excited with soft pillows. I’m getting the real deal when I’m back.

Landers Cebu is more than a shopping destination

You know the frustration of shopping and finding out you run out of gas? That won’t be the case when you shop at Landers here in Cebu. This 8000-square-meter shop has its own fuel station so car owners never have to go anywhere to replenish the gas in their empty tank.

But that’s not everything. If you forgot you need a haircut or you suddenly realize you want coffee or real food, Landers Cebu has you covered. The store tries to cover even the minutest needs of its customers.

Which shopping mall has a golf cart like this, for instance?

Landers Golf cart

But don’t depend so much on this cart, especially if you’re shopping on a late afternoon. It’s battery powered so it could only last for so long. When we boarded one at around 7pm, it almost lost its battery on our way to the covered parking space at the backside of the warehouse shop. Well, it’s always a good idea to walk.

Though it was a short shopping trip, it was a fun experience shopping at Landers Cebu!

By Issa

One thought on “What It’s Like to Shop at Landers Cebu”
  1. Hello. Can I use someone else’s membership card? Or do I have to have the member come with me? Please let me know. Thanks!

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