Hey, guys! My OB had confirmed my pregnancy, a few weeks after Duterte signed into law the new Expanded Maternity Leave that provides 105 days of paid maternity leave to all working mothers. (I guess, this baby got lucky!)

Anyway, you probably have a lot of questions about the implications of this new law, so I thought I’d answer some of the common questions for you:

What’s the old SSS maternity benefit computation?

Before, a female SSS member expecting a baby can have a maximum daily maternity allowance of P533.33. It can be lower if your monthly salary is less than P16,000. That’s because the maximum covered earnings or compensation is P16,000 [(16000*6)/180]. So for normal delivery/ectopic pregnancy not requiring operation, the total highest possible maternity benefit due would be P32,000 (P533.33 x 60 days), while for caesarian cases or ectopic pregnancy requiring operation, the total highest maternity benefit is P41,600 (P500 x 78).

What’s the new SSS maternity benefit (2019) computation?

There is a slight difference in total maternity benefit amount since the number of days of paid maternity leave has increased. Plus, the maximum covered earnings is no longer P16,000, it seems. For example, in my recent inquiry, my Daily Maternity Allowance is P577.78. Simply multiply that with 105 days to get the net amount of maternity benefit you can claim. If you want to make sure you’re getting the accurate computation, send an email to cebu@sss.gov.ph (if you’re based in Cebu) and member_relations@sss.gov.ph. On the email inquiry, include your SS Number and expected date of delivery. Give them at least 24 to 48 hours to respond.

When can you get your SSS maternity benefit?

According to SSS, the maternity benefit will be advanced to you by your company within 30 days after they’ve filed your Maternity Reimbursement application. Be sure to coordinate with your employer regarding this. To apply for your Maternity Reimbursement, simply submit to them a copy of the baby’s birth certificate.

What documents do you need to file for maternity benefit and how soon should you apply?

Any female SSS member who has paid at least three monthly contributions within the 12-month period immediately preceding the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage, is qualified to avail the maternity benefit.

Based on SSS website, you need to provide the following documents to apply for Maternity Benefit:

  • Maternity Notification Form
  • UMID or SSS biometrics ID card or two (2) other valid IDs, both with signature and at least one (1) with photo and date of birth
  • Proof of pregnancy (ultrasound report from any hospital)

Can you apply for a salary loan at the same time?

Sure. The same qualifying conditions for SSS salary loan apply. Ensure that you have paid at least 50% of the original principal amount you borrowed and at least 50% of the loan term has lapsed. You can always check via your SSS online account if you’re qualified for a salary loan.

That’s all for now. If you have SSS-related questions, use the comment section below or email SSS directly at member_relations@sss.gov.ph. May you or your partner have a healthy and safe pregnancy!

Also Read: SSS Salary Loan for Self-Employed or Voluntary Members: A Quick Guide

By Issa