Managing Facebook Ads is more than knowing how to run a campaign on Facebook. It requires analytical and creative thinking skills, which when applied strategically on a business, can bring incredible results.

The most important result that a Facebook advertiser aims for is low customer acquisition cost. This means their primary job is to target the right people with the right ad at the right time. It’s not easy to be responsible for inquiries coming in and it’s a daily struggle for every Facebook Ads manager.

I used to work as a Facebook Advertiser full time. I said “used to” because today, I officially stopped working solely for one client. Here’s a snapshot of what I do on a typical working day.

7:00 AM – I wake up early and check the Ads Manager App immediately for the previous day’s campaign performance.

8:00 AM – Prepare for work. Have breakfast – usually a cup of coffee and a few slices of bread.

9:00 AM – Take a cab to work. IT Park is pretty close from my home so taking a cab every morning doesn’t cost a lot of money. It’s also a stress-free mode of transportation.

10:00 AM – I usually arrive at work on time and check our company’s Facebook inbox for unanswered messages. I try to clean the inbox before turning on the ads. According to Facebook, turning ads on and off can negatively affect the results of a campaign, but the owner of the business thinks we should control when the ads appear.

12:00 PM – Turn on the ad campaigns that are inexpensive and effective. Keep costly ads off. Our marketing objective for most ads we run is messaging, so we measure the effectiveness of each ad based on how many people sent us a message, what sort of questions they asked, and how many people bought our products. We then classify these leads into warm and cold leads. The sales team is responsible for qualifying them according to their questions.

1:00 PM – Lunch Break. I usually take my lunch break with the marketing team. We swap ideas and talk about campaign performance and sometimes our personal lives.

2:00 PM – Meeting with the General Manager. This is reporting time for the campaign’s daily performance. We change our ad creative or audience targeting based on this meeting.

3:00 PM – Work with the designer for the day’s organic post on the page. Facebook may have recently deprioritized business pages but it is still important to post on your page regularly (daily) to engage your most avid fans and followers. Gaining shares on your post can increase its virality and influence.

4:00 PM – Observe ad campaign’s performance. This is actually done almost every 15 minutes to make sure we are not spending more than we should. Though Facebook has a cost capping feature, it’s uncertain if it’s going to work fully well.

5:00 PM – Prepare future ad campaigns based on the schedule of promotions.

6:00 PM – Write sales copy. Analyze previous copies that work. Facebook Ads Manager now features Quality Ranking, Engagement Rate Ranking, and Conversion Rate Ranking to give advertisers a better idea on what ad campaigns are working and which campaigns are not working.

7:00 PM – Preparing to leave the office. I check FB’s Ads Manager dashboard before leaving. When the ads are not getting as many impressions as we’d hoped, I accelerate the ad delivery. Increasing the ad budget also does the trick.

That’s pretty much what I do day in, day out as a Facebook Ads Manager. I wish I could tell you that it’s the best job in the world, but I think that’s an unpopular opinion. If you can work from home as a Facebook advertiser, then that probably is the sweet spot.

Interested in hiring me as a Facebook Advertiser? Let me know in the comments or simply click “Contact” to connect with me.

By Issa