Watching House started as my way to beat the blues
(yeah, a chaotic part of my brain emits loads of this).
Hugh Laurie, I fancied, was as manic-depressive and brilliant as House (the role he portrayed). Wiki did confirm my hunch. I was looking forward to seeing a woman in the show who’d inspire or who’d be engrossing enough for me to dig. Cuddy didn’t. Cameron is quite shallow. Then, Thirteen came.

Dr. Remy’s (name was not given away early on Season 4) quiet nature intrigued me. Her stares and facial expressions were worth a thousand words. She wasn’t as clever as House as a physician, not even close to House’s standard of intelligence, but she was hired as his team member out of her mystifying appeal, her stirring remarks, and that hard-to-miss tough exterior(?).

Olivia Wilde plays Thirteen, and I hardly thought she’d be even more interesting in real life than her character at House. Olivia is just a year older than me. Guess my surprise when I stumbled upon her website, and read about the bold and broad causes she supports.

Just thinking of her makes me smile. I feel like I’m going back to adolescence idolizing someone so adorable and wanting to follow an idol’s footsteps. See more of Ms. Olivia Wilde at

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By Issa