
Say More, Sailor

“Come, I’ll drop you off,” Khaled insisted. “No, Julie’s taking a cab with me. I’ll drop her off on my…

Cycling Story

Well-built, genial, and hardworking, Mandie immediately got Lisa’s attention. He came in one morning at the bakery to ease her…


With the pristine sights of green fields, refreshing whizz of winds, chantings of rushing waters, and everything around shaded by…

The Spelling Bee

As big, wide eyes focused on Lisa, she marveled at those tiny creatures glued to branches of trees in the…

Zest for School

At the crack of each dawn, Lisa hurriedly gets out of bed and goes to her aunt’s bakery shop tagging…

The Mossy Ground

“What happened to your face?” her Aunt Carol asked. “It’s nothing. I just bumped into something,” Lisa nonchalantly answered. Her…

Settling In

“Is she your only daughter? Ms. Vargas asked. Why would she think I’m an only child? Lisa thought. Now, she…

The Irresistible Dip

“Wow, Ever (Gotesco Mall)!” a four-year old girl gushed as her eyes sparkled widely (wildly). They were about to board…

Neither Glam nor Gold

Early in life, Lisa has realized that if a person can’t be gorgeous, she should at least strive to be…