
Write Right!

Wanna have a great vacation? Thinking of a fun escapade? It’s the best time to write the right stuff! Make…

How to be Prosperous

There are solid ways to becoming prosperous. Grasp them now. Build these pillars, now. Do you know that there are…

A Gift of Cheer

Bust the Leading Disease: WORRY. Declare war against worry today. My father once said: “in life, forethought wins, just like…

How to Talk Right

Is there really a right way of talking? Can we actually know how to listen and respond accurately? Is there…

Meet Mr. Word Star!

What makes one a star? Florists hinted me I must be one. ASTER (a flower shaped like star) is my…

Scammer Alert!

Five missed calls from five of my relatives. Oh, I didn’t want to hear them grumble so I didn’t call…

Freshen Up, Ladies!

Whining about headaches? Body pains? And all sorts of illnesses? You’re aging. Children hardly talk about ill-health. I hate to…

Get Lucky

When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as…